Info om bokningen

Bokning sker i första hand via mail. Mailet ska innehålla följande: namn, telefonnummer, mailadress, plats för hämtning, destination, antal passagerare, datum & tid.

Vill ni boka en resa nära inpå så är ni välkomna att ringa oss

Avbokning ska ske minst 7 dagar före resan för att få full återbetalning. Sker avbokningen senare än så (men mer än 72 h före resan) betalar vi tillbaka 50% av den totala resekostnaden. Avbokar ni resan mindre än 72 h före resan får ni ingen återbetalning.

Bookings are primarily made by email through The email should contain the following: name, phone number, email address, pick-up location, destination, number of passengers, date & time . If it takes longer than that - call us instead. Payment is made by credit card or payment link to your e-mail. Once we have received the payment, you will receive a confirmation by email.

Please note that the booking is incomplete until you receive the confirmation email.

If you want to book a trip on the same day or on very short notice, please give us a call.

Cancellation must be made at least 7 days before the trip to receive a full refund. If the cancellation is made later than that (but more than 72 hours before the trip) we will refund 50% of the total cost of the trip. You will not receive a refund if you cancel less than 72 hours before the trip.

981 07 ABISKO

+46 70-5592220 Kontakta oss

+46 70-5592220